WWE SmackDown live results: Cody Rhodes & Logan Paul contract signing (2024)

About one week before their champion vs. champion match, Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes and United States Champion Logan Paul are set to meet for a contract signing.

Rhodes and Paul will both be appearing live on tonight’s SmackDown from Jacksonville, Florida. They’ll make their title match official for WWE King & Queen of the Ring, which is taking place in Saudi Arabia on Saturday, May 25.

Also set for tonight are King & Queen of the Ring quarterfinal matches. Carmelo Hayes will face off against Randy Orton, while LA Knight goes one-on-one against Tama Tonga.

On the women’s side of things, Bianca Belair will compete against Tiffany Stratton and Jade Cargill will take on Nia Jax. Belair and Cargill are the newly crowned WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions. If both win tonight, they’ll be in line to face each other in the Queen of the Ring semifinals.

Our live coverage starts at 8 p.m. Eastern time.


– A video hyping the King and Queen of the Ring tournaments aired to open the show. The video chronicled everything that has happened thus far in both tournaments.

– LA Knight and The Bloodline were shown arriving to the building earlier in the day. Jade Cargill and Nia Jax – as well as Randy Orton and Carmelo Hayes – got the same treatment.

Bianca Belair defeated Tiffany Stratton to advance in the Queen of the Ring Tournament [13:15]

This was one of the best opening SmackDown matches of 2024. These women went out there to put on a show and they did just that. The near-falls towards the end of it had the crowd biting on every second and these two showed that they have really good chemistry. Even better, they were given time to cook and at nearly 15 minutes, there was barely a move or minute wasted. Good stuff all around. Run this back in a year or two with 15 more minutes and a handful of rematches under their belts for a major title and that will be special.

The crowd was hot as the bell rang. Belair backed Stratton into a corner and posed. The two traded pushes before Stratton slapped the hell out of Belair. Stratton followed that up by taking Belair down via Belair’s braid. Belair fired up, slapped Stratton and repeatedly slammed Stratton. Belair went for a scissors move, but Stratton kicked Belair to get the upper hand. Belair hit a moonsault while selling knee pain that began in Belair’s previous QOTR match.

With Stratton on the outside, Stratton grabbed Belair’s braid and whipped Belair to the apron, draping Belair’s bad knee. Stratton ran Belair into the ring steps knee-first and Stratton posed as the show went to a commercial break at about the four-minute mark. The show returned and Stratton kept working Belair’s knee until Belair kicked Stratton to the floor with her good leg. Stratton tried to pull Belair to the ring post, but Belair used her momentum and slammed Stratton into the ring post.

With both wrestlers back in the ring, Belair fired up and hit a series of slams on Stratton. Belair capped her run off with a kind of modified spinebuster. Belair looked to set up for Jaded, but that led to the two exchanging roll-ups. Belair went for the KOD, but Stratton countered it and landed a double stomp for a nice near-fall instead. Stratton went for a splash in a corner, but Belair caught her and hit a high German Suplex for another nice near-fall. “This is awesome!” chants ensued.

Belair tried to drag Stratton into the ring and Stratton grabbed the apron. With the referee distracted, Stratton got a thumb to the eyes to gain control. Stratton followed that up with a sliding elbow for a good near-fall. Stratton tried the Prettiest Moonsault Ever, but Belair cut Stratton Off on the top rope, lifted her for the KOD and got the win.

After the win, Cathy Kelley interviewed Belair in the middle of the ring. Belair said her knee wasn’t 100 percent, but she was going to keep showing up and showing out. The crowd chanted “EST!” Belair said nothing will stop her from becoming Queen of the Ring.


– Logan Paul was shown backstage and he ran into LA Knight. The two stared at each other for a second before Paul was grabbed by GM Nick Aldis to go talk.

– A video profiling WWE personalities hanging out with members of the US Navy and Corey Graves noted how it was Military Appreciation Month.

– Byron Saxton interviewed Jade Cargill backstage. Cargill called Nia Jax a beast and an irresistible force, but to Cargill, Jax was “just in her way.” Belair walked into the frame and the teammates talked about the possibility of standing across the ring from each other in the next QOTR round. Cargill then walked away.

– A video recapping last week’s Bloodline developments aired. The Bloodline were then shown backstage. Solo Sikoa and Paul Heyman spoke and Heyman asked Sikoa if he had talked to Roman Reigns today. Sikoa said “all the time” and walked away.

– LA Knight was interviewed backstage. Knight said the Bloodline doesn’t look the same these days and he’s going to move on to win the KOTR. Carmelo Hayes walked into the frame and said he wanted to give Knight the ability to welcome him to SmackDown. Knight talked about how people didn’t know who the first draft pick was the year Tom Brady was drafted, taking a shot at Hayes bragging that he was the first draft pick. Knight did his catchphrase and told Hayes to “go play somewhere; I’m busy.” Entrances for the next match then began.

Tama Tonga defeated LA Knight to advance in the King of the Ring Tournament [8:48]

The writing was on the wall for Knight losing once Knight had his tiny moment with Logan Paul backstage (and not to mention the interaction with Carmelo Hayes). Take the loss to put over the Bloodline; move into a post-PLE program with one of WWE’s brightest active mainstream stars. The match itself was OK. I wasn’t expecting much – neither guy has a reputation for consistently producing in-ring classics – but none of it was terrible. The Bloodline has an odd problem right now because I’m not so sure the Solo Sikoa era is working when it comes to getting over all that well. It’s too early to cast judgment, but here’s hoping Jacob Fatu’s inevitable debut gives the whole thing a shot in the arm.

The crowd was mega-hot for LA Knight, chanting his name loudly before the bell rang. Knight began with a fury of punches and an elbow that took Tonga down. Tonga tried to work a sleeper hold, but Knight quickly countered that. It didn’t matter, though, because Tonga hit a tough clothesline. Knight responded with a clothesline of his own. Knight hit a back body-drop and stomped a mud hole on Tonga. Sikoa walked onto the apron and got Knight’s attention. Tonga Loa did the same until Knight intimidated them off the apron. Tonga took advantage of that and ran Knight into a ring post. Tonga followed that up with a stiff clothesline on Knight, who was on the outside of the ring. The show then went to a commercial break at about the three-minute mark.

The show returned and “We want Roman!” chants were loud as Tonga kept control over Knight inside the ring. Tonga went to the top and tried a splash, but Knight moved and followed that up with a series of strikes and a cross-body before clotheslining Tonga over the top rope. Knight slammed Tonga’s head on the apron repeatedly. Back inside the ring, Knight hit his powerslam, elbow drop combination. The crowd chanted “BFT” but Loa pulled his brother outside the ring. Knight dropkicked Loa and found himself in a stare down with Sikoa. As soon as Knight returned to the ring, Tonga hit his finisher on Knight and got the win.


– Knight was shown walking backstage and he ran into Hayes again. Knight and Hayes jawed at each other beofre things were broken up by Charles Robinson.

The Cody Rhodes/Logan Paul contract signing

Eh. On one hand, it’s hard to fault WWE for pulling away from the champion vs. champion angle here. Paul doesn’t seem ready to lose his U.S. title because the act is working and we don’t need another pseudo double-champion at the top of the WWE ladder. On the other hand, this all but eliminates any question to the finish at the PLE next weekend. Paul’s not walking out of there with that Undisputed belt and at least the champion vs. champion format felt like it brought a tiny bit of intrigue. Either way, this was a quality segment. The crowd was white-hot for Cody and had a lot of fun at Paul’s expense. Cody, for his part, showed great fire and Paul even held his own as the obnoxious heel he is. This was fun if nothing else.

The crowd was nuclear hot for Cody, who soaked it up. Cody grabbed a mic and did the “Duval” thing for Jacksonville and then asked everyone what they wanted to talk about. Cody said he loves Jacksonville and everyone should know that (Hey! E.W.). Cody asked Paul if he knew that it was the War Games 1992 anniversary and that the match took place in Jacksonville. Cody touted how he is a fan of pro wrestling while Paul is not a fan. Cody called Paul a tourist who only makes viral memories. Cody said it’s time for Cody to become a WWE Grand Slam Champion.

Paul started to respond and the crowd drowned him out with boos. Paul asked Cody if he was stalling because he didn’t come to listen to Cody talk. Paul said he came to sign a contract. Paul said it was a horrible crowd and he was going to sign the contract. Paul looked at the contract and said there was “one little thing.” Paul then tore up the contract as the crowd chanted “He can’t read!” Paul said he agreed to wrestle Cody for only the Undisputed WWE Championship. Paul said he did not agree to put his title on the line. Paul brought his lawyer, which presented a new contract. Paul tried to hand Nick Aldis the new contract and told Aldis to “get this done.”

Aldis said this wasn’t what they agreed to. Aldis called it bad business and it’s unprofessional and Aldis said he won’t stand for it. Paul’s lawyer asked Aldis if he was threatening his client. Cody chimed in and said Aldis is doing a great job. The crowd cheered. Cody asked Aldis if he could have the ring with Paul and he’d bring Aldis the paperwork later. Aldis left the ring. Paul said he signed the contract so it’s done and the match is made. Paul said Cody hasn’t done anything to deserve a shot at his U.S. title and it was funny. Paul told Cody to sign the contract and threw it at Cody.

Cody stood up and got terse with Paul. Cody said the honeymoon with Paul is over. Cody noted how Mike Tyson will knock Paul’s brother out in eight days. Cody signed Paul’s contract and took out Paul and his crew. From there, Cody powerbombed one of Paul’s stooges through a table. Cody threw the U.S. title at Paul, who was on the outside of the ring. Cody’s music hit to end the segment.


– Cathy Kelley interviewed Niz Jax backstage. Jax interrupted Kelley and said everyone says Jade Cargill is so strong and impressive. Jax said Cargill will not be the Queen of the Ring because Nia Jax will be the Queen of the Ring. Jax’s music hit and Jax walked to the ring with a camera following her from behind.

Nia Jax defeated Jade Cargill via DQ to advance in the Queen of the Ring Tournament [2:12]

Umpf. I didn’t like this at all. Two minutes and a dumb finish that took nearly a minute to see through. Not much more to say.

Jax took Cargill down quickly to start things out, but Cargill bounced back quickly and slammed Jax. The action spilled outside, where Jax threw Cargill down in front of Cargill’s daughter. Jax told Cargill’s daughter that her mom sucks. The women got back into the ring, but Cargill ran Jax back outside of it. Cargill ran at Jax, but Jax moved and Cargill ran into a ring post. Jax then roughed up the commentary table and threw some chairs. Jax raised a chair, but Cargill caught the chair and hit Jax with the chair. That marked the end of that. The two continued to fight after the bell and the crowd chanted “Bullsh–!” As a result, WWE, in its infinite PC wisdom, censored the show for a bit. Jax and Cargill had to be separated as the segment ended.


#DIY (Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa) defeated Legado Del Fantasma (Humberto & Angel) [8:37]

There wasn’t much to this, but it’s nice to see Gargano and Ciampa getting some booking love. Will this be the time said love sticks? Only time will tell, but I continue to fall on the side that says it would be nice to see them get a tag title run at some point on the main roster. Plus, Waller and Theory do almost nothing for me as tag champs (pull the trigger on their split already … maybe?). Perhaps this was only to set up a tag title match next Saturday, but even if that’s so, good on Gargano and Ciampa for getting a TV win.

Austin Theory & Grayson Waller sat in on commentary. Gargano and Humberto started the match and Humberto quickly had control until he took Humberto down and tagged in Ciampa. From there, Ciampa cleaned house on both LDF guys. Ciampa and Gargano landed stereo suicide dives on LDF, who were on the outside. Back inside the ring, Ciampa was running the ropes and Angel held the top rope, sending Ciampa to the outside. The show went to a commercial break.

The show returned and Ciampa was beating down Angel until Humberto tagged in and hit the Garza Special. Humberto got a two-count out of it. Humberto and Ciampa tried to suplex each other multiple times until Ciampa got the best of it and suplexed Humberto. Gargano then received the hot tag and took both Humberto and Angel out. Gargano landed a slingshot spear on Humberto and went to the top. Santos Escobar distracted the referee as Elektra Lopez grabbed the leg of Gargano. The referee ejected the rest of LDF from ringside, but #DIY hit Meet Me In The Middle for the victory.


– Graves and Wade Barrett talked about the mysterious QR codes that have been popping up. Whatever happened on the WWE Twitch channel this week was profiled.

– AJ Styles was interviewed backstage via Saxton and Saxton asked where Styles goes from here. Styles said next week, he’s going to go to Nick Aldis’s office and he’ll find out where he goes from there (which was odd; why not go now?). Styles walked away and the show went back to the ring for the main event.

– Bayley was interviewed backstage by Saxton and Chelsea Green and Piper Niven cut her off. Green said Bayley was the reason Niven lost last week. Bayley said they should talk “in the ring” next week.

Randy Orton defeated Carmelo Hayes to advance in the King of the Ring Tournament [10:28]

So … we’re either getting Tonga vs. Jey Uso in the KOTR final, or we’re getting Orton vs. Gunther, aren’t we? Either match should be interesting – the former because of the ongoing Bloodline drama and the latter because holy hell, Orton vs. Gunther might be wild – but I can’t say I’m particularly excited to see Orton vs. Tonga next week. Still, this match was fine for what it was. These days, Orton should get credit for showing up on almost every SmackDown to compete in its main event, but at the same time, there is very much a Randy Orton Match Formula and these matches never really stray from that. Either way, Hayes looked strong in defeat and this was a worthy TV main event.

Things started slowly with the two feeling each other out. Hayes targeted Orton’s knee, which was wrapped, early. Hayes slapped Orton and jawed at the crowd. Orton slowly got up and approached Hayes, kicking Hayes and throwing Hayes into a ring post repeatedly. Orton got in a series of European Uppercuts and threw Hayes over the top rope. Orton went for his now-signature back suplex on the commentary table, but Hayes countered it … only to have Orton sweep Hayes’s legs and then hit that back suplex not once, but twice. The table did not break either time. Orton rolled into the ring and the crowd chanted “one more time!” Orton went back outside the ring, gave the crowd what it wanted, and the show went to its final commercial break.

Back from that break, Hayes was working Orton’s knee inside the ring after gaining control during the break. The crowd chanted “Let’s go Randy!” and Hayes ran to kick Orton’s knee, but Orton moved and came back with a series of clotheslines. Orton set up for the snap powerslam, but Hayes grabbed the ropes and Orton clutched his own knee. Soon after, Orton was successful in his snap powerslam attempt. Hayes came back with a First 48, which was good enough for a two-count.

Hayes pounded on Orton’s knee and went to the top rope. Hayes went for Nothing Nut Net, but Orton moved and landed the draping DDT. Orton teased the RKO, but Hayes rolled up Orton for a near-fall. Hayes went for a springboard cutter, but Orton caught him with the aforementioned RKO. That was enough to get Orton the win. After the match, Kelley tried to interview Orton in the ring, but Tama Tonga’s music hit and out came the Bloodline. Orton had a microphone and wondered if the Bloodline was trying to intimidate him. Orton fired up and listed off his credentials. Orton said next week, he was going to introduce his foot “directly up the ass” of Tama Tonga. Orton shouted “RKO” and the show went off the air.

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WWE SmackDown live results: Cody Rhodes & Logan Paul contract signing (2024)
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