What do you serve with buffalo chicken dip? - Chef's Resource (2024)

What do you serve with buffalo chicken dip? Buffalo chicken dip is a deliciously spicy and creamy dish that is perfect for parties, game days, or any casual gathering. It’s always a hit among friends and family, but what should you serve with it to make it a complete and satisfying meal or appetizer? Let’s explore some tasty options that will complement this flavorful dip and elevate your culinary experience.

**1. Tortilla Chips:**
The most popular and obvious choice to serve with buffalo chicken dip is tortilla chips. Their crispy texture and neutral flavor pair perfectly with the spicy kick of the chicken dip.



  • 1 Carrot and Celery Sticks:
  • 2 Crackers:
  • 3 Pretzel Bites:
  • 4 Breadsticks:
  • 5 Pita Chips:
  • 6 Sliced Baguette:
  • 7 Vegetable Platter:
  • 8 Slider Buns:
  • 9 Mini Soft Pretzels:
  • 10 Tacos or Quesadillas:
  • 11 Loaded Fries:
  • 12 FAQs:

Carrot and Celery Sticks:

For a refreshing and healthier alternative, serve buffalo chicken dip with carrot and celery sticks. These crunchy vegetables provide a delightful contrast to the creamy dip.



Various crackers like saltines, wheat thins, or even buttery Ritz crackers can be a great accompaniment to buffalo chicken dip. They add a different texture and can complement the dip’s flavors.


Pretzel Bites:

Pretzel bites are a fantastic choice to serve with buffalo chicken dip. Their slightly salty and chewy nature brings a unique taste and texture that enhances the overall experience.



If you prefer a bread-based accompaniment, try pairing buffalo chicken dip with crunchy breadsticks. Their crispy exteriors and soft interiors are perfect for scooping up the dip.


Pita Chips:

Pita chips are another excellent option. They bring a Middle Eastern flair to the dish and offer a sturdier base for scooping up the thick dip.


Sliced Baguette:

To add a touch of elegance, serve your buffalo chicken dip with thin slices of toasted baguette. The crusty bread acts as a delicious vehicle for enjoying the spicy flavors.


Vegetable Platter:

Create a colorful and diverse spread by pairing buffalo chicken dip with a vegetable platter. Include an assortment of veggies like cherry tomatoes, broccoli florets, bell peppers, and cucumbers for a fresh and balanced experience.


Slider Buns:

Transform your buffalo chicken dip into a mini sandwich by serving it with slider buns. This unique twist allows guests to enjoy the dip in a different way and makes for a satisfying bite.


Mini Soft Pretzels:

For a fun and whimsical touch, serve buffalo chicken dip with mini soft pretzels. The combination of the soft pretzel’s doughy interior and the zesty dip creates an irresistible flavor fusion.


Tacos or Quesadillas:

Get creative by using buffalo chicken dip as a filling for tacos or as a topping for quesadillas. These Mexican-inspired dishes will take your usual buffalo chicken dip experience to new heights.


Loaded Fries:

For a hearty and indulgent treat, top your favorite fries with a generous dollop of buffalo chicken dip. The combination of crispy fries and creamy dip is a match made in culinary heaven.


**Q1. Can I make buffalo chicken dip ahead of time?**
Yes, you can make buffalo chicken dip ahead of time and refrigerate it. To serve, simply reheat it in the oven or microwave until it’s warm and bubbly.

**Q2. Can I freeze buffalo chicken dip?**
Yes, you can freeze buffalo chicken dip. However, the texture might change slightly after thawing. It’s best to consume it within three months of freezing.

**Q3. Can I make a vegetarian version of buffalo chicken dip?**
Absolutely! You can substitute the chicken with cooked cauliflower or chickpeas for a vegetarian version of buffalo chicken dip.

**Q4. What can I do if my buffalo chicken dip is too spicy?**
If your dip turns out too spicy, you can balance the heat by mixing in more cream cheese or adding a dollop of sour cream to tame the spiciness.

**Q5. How long can I keep buffalo chicken dip out at a party?**
It’s best to keep it out for no longer than two hours because dips made with dairy products can spoil if left out at room temperature for too long.

**Q6. Can I make buffalo chicken dip in a slow cooker?**
Yes, you can make buffalo chicken dip in a slow cooker. Simply combine all the ingredients and cook on low for 2-3 hours or until the dip is hot and bubbly.

**Q7. Can I use a different type of cheese in buffalo chicken dip?**
Certainly! While cream cheese is the most common choice, you can experiment with other cheeses like cheddar, mozzarella, or blue cheese for different flavor profiles.

**Q8. Can I add vegetables to my buffalo chicken dip?**
Yes, you can add vegetables like diced bell peppers, onions, or jalapeños to your buffalo chicken dip for added texture and flavor.

**Q9. Is buffalo chicken dip gluten-free?**
The traditional recipe for buffalo chicken dip is not gluten-free. However, you can make it gluten-free by using gluten-free crackers, tortilla chips, or other suitable alternatives.

**Q10. Can I make buffalo chicken dip spicy but not too hot?**
Of course! Adjust the level of spiciness to taste by adding more or less buffalo sauce, red pepper flakes, or other hot spices. Tailor it to your preference.

**Q11. Can I make buffalo chicken dip in the oven?**
Definitely! Simply mix all the ingredients and bake the dip in a preheated oven at 350°F (175°C) for about 20-25 minutes, until it’s hot and bubbling.

**Q12. Can I use canned chicken in buffalo chicken dip?**
Yes, in a time crunch, you can use canned chicken as a shortcut. Drain it and shred it before adding it to your dip for a quick and easy version.

Related posts:

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  2. What is chicken roulade?
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  4. Can you pressure cook frozen chicken?
What do you serve with buffalo chicken dip? - Chef's Resource (2024)


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6 Ways To Use Buffalo Hot Sauce
  • Buffalo Wings. It had to be. ...
  • Mac and Cheese. Spice up your mac and cheese with a few creamy, tangy dollops of Buffalo Hot Sauce. ...
  • Grilled Cheese. Another cheese-packed suggestion... ...
  • Cauliflower Wings. ...
  • Hot Dogs. ...
  • Chicken Wraps.

What side dishes go with buffalo chicken sliders? ›

The best side dishes to serve with buffalo chicken sliders are French fries, blooming onion, Big Mac sauce, mashed sweet potatoes, tzatziki sauce, watermelon cucumber salad, coleslaw, crispy green beans, grilled corn on the cob, pasta salad, sweet potato fries, baked beans, and roasted vegetables.

Should buffalo chicken dip be served hot or cold? ›

Serve it hot or cold.

Come game day, a Super Bowl party, or, you know, just Thursday night: Build your dip in a skillet and broil it until bubbling, or simply stir everything together in a large bowl if you'd like to keep it cold.

What pairs with buffalo wings? ›

With recipes like crispy onion rings, creamy potato salad, and Korean corn cheese, they might just steal the show!
  • Perfect Thin and Crispy French Fries. ...
  • Classic Potato Salad. ...
  • Crispy Baked Potato Wedges. ...
  • 3-Ingredient Stovetop Mac and Cheese. ...
  • Classic Coleslaw. ...
  • Crispy Deep-Fried Jalapeño Poppers. ...
  • Foolproof Onion Rings.
Jan 27, 2023

What do you eat Buffalo ranch dip with? ›

Recipe creator NUNPUNCH suggests serving this Buffalo chicken dip with celery sticks and chicken-flavored crackers. Corn or tortilla chips would also work well. If you want to go the extra mile, try pairing it with toasted baguette slices, homemade pita chips, or homemade pita bread.

What fruit goes well with Buffalo sauce? ›

Fruit is often used in hot sauces to give them delicious sweetness alongside the traditional spicy kick. Mangoes, papaya, peaches, pineapple… anything goes!

What gets out Buffalo sauce? ›

Vinegar is one of the best cleaners to remove hot sauce stains from clothing. After gently scraping or blotting away any excess, rinse the item from the inside out with cold water, then dab a mixture of vinegar and rubbing alcohol on the stain to lift it.

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Wholesome vegetables flavored and cooked into creamy side dishes to complement crispy fried chicken.
  • Mexican Street Corn (Torchy's Copycat) Cooks in 20 minutes. ...
  • Southern Collard Greens Recipe. ...
  • Fried Red Tomatoes. ...
  • Fried Okra. ...
  • Southern Green Beans. ...
  • Sauteed green peppers. ...
  • Roasted Sweet Potatoes. ...
  • Summer Sweet Corn Saute.
Sep 5, 2023

Can you eat buffalo chicken dip left out overnight? ›

If the dip has been sitting out for several hours at room temperature, especially during a party or event, it's best to toss it as the risk of foodborne illness grows with time. Always store buffalo chicken dip in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Why is my buffalo chicken dip so runny? ›

Buffalo chicken dip can be runny if you use a reduced fat cream cheese. It can also be runny if you use too much ranch dressing or not enough chicken. You can thicken the dip by adding more shredded chicken, or even more cubes of full fat cream cheese or even more shredded cheddar cheese.

How to eat buffalo chicken dip without chips? ›

8 Ways to Eat Buffalo Chicken Dip, Besides with Chips
  1. Over French Fries. PIN IT. ...
  2. Inside Crescent Rolls. PIN IT. ...
  3. In a Grilled Cheese. It's a childhood favorite with a bit of a spicy side! ...
  4. Inside Egg Rolls/Wontons. PIN IT. ...
  5. On Top of Potato Skins. PIN IT. ...
  6. Mixed with Pasta. ...
  7. On a Pizza. ...
  8. With a Spoon!
Oct 24, 2018

What do you eat buffalo ranch dip with? ›

Recipe creator NUNPUNCH suggests serving this Buffalo chicken dip with celery sticks and chicken-flavored crackers. Corn or tortilla chips would also work well. If you want to go the extra mile, try pairing it with toasted baguette slices, homemade pita chips, or homemade pita bread.

What food goes well with dip? ›

Fruit dippers
  • Apple and pear wedges (sprinkle with cinnamon for extra flavour)
  • Berries.
  • Banana slices.
  • Mandarin and orange segments (pips removed)
  • Kiwi pieces.
  • Seedless grapes (cut in half for young children)
  • Nectarine slices.
  • Fruit skewers.

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Fresh Vegetables: You can add a platter of fresh vegetables like cherry tomatoes, bell peppers or cucumbers for a healthier option for sides! Baked Beans: Tangy yet sweet this Boston Baked Beans recipe can be made on the stovetop or in a crockpot.

Is it OK to reheat buffalo chicken dip? ›

Store leftover buffalo chicken dip in the fridge for up to 3 days in an airtight container. Make sure it has fully cooled first. To reheat, place in the oven at a low temperature (around 300F) for about 20 minutes.

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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.