Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (2024)


  • 1 Hazardous Warnings
  • 3 Technical Support
  • 4 Introduction
    • 4.1 ESP-TM2 Controller Features
      • 4.1.1 WiFi Enabled
  • 5 Installation
    • 5.1 Mount Controller
    • 5.2 Wiring Connections
      • 5.2.1 Connect Valves
      • 5.2.2 Connect Master Valve (optional)
      • 5.2.3 Connect Pump Start Relay (optional)
      • 5.2.4 Connect Rain/Freeze Sensor (optional)
      • 5.2.5 Connect Custom Wiring (optional)
  • 6 Controls and Indicators
  • 7 Basic Programming
    • 7.1 Set Date and Time
    • 7.2 Set Watering Start Times
    • 7.3 Set Station Run Times
    • 7.4 Set Watering Days
      • 7.4.1 Custom Days of the Week
  • 8 Manual Watering Options
    • 8.1 Test All Stations
    • 8.2 Run a Single Station
    • 8.3 Run a Single Program
  • 9 Normal Operation
    • 9.1 AUTO RUN
    • 9.2 OFF
  • 10 Advanced Programming
    • 10.1 Odd or Even Calendar Days
    • 10.2 Cyclic Days
    • 10.3 Rain Sensor
    • 10.4 Seasonal Adjust
    • 10.5 Delay Watering
    • 10.6 Permanent Days Off
  • 11 Special Features
  • 12 Options
    • 12.1 Reset Button
    • 12.2 Accessories
  • 13 Troubleshooting
    • 13.1 Watering Issues
    • 13.2 Automatic and/or Manual Watering will not start
    • 13.3 Excessive watering
    • 13.4 Electrical Issues
    • 13.5 Display is blank.
    • 13.6 Display is frozen and controller will not accept programming.
  • 14 Certifications
  • 15 Safety Information
  • 16 Rain Bird ESP-TM2 on the Web
  • 17 Videos
    • 17.1 Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Controller: Manual Watering Options Video by Rain Bird
    • 17.2 Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Controller: Basic Programming Video by Rain Bird
    • 17.3 Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Controller: Advanced Programming Video by Rain Bird
    • 17.4 Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Controller: Installation Video by Rain Bird
  • 18 Documents / Resources
    • 18.1 References
    • 18.2 Download manual

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (1)

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (2) LNK™ Ready

Hazardous Warnings

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (3)
Indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (4)
Indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.

Indicates information considered important, but not hazard-related (e.g., messages relating to property damage).

Specific safety-related instructions or procedures are described.

Symbols & User Operation

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (5) NUMBERS define a series of steps for the user to follow in order to operate the controller.
Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (6) NOTE: Notifies the user of important operating instructions related to controller functionality, installation or maintenance.
Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (7) REPEAT: Indicates that a repetition of previous steps or actions may be required for further operation, or to complete a process.

Technical Support

For help setting up and operating the Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Controller, scan the QR code to visit
Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (8)

Additional user documentation is available under the Manuals & Literature tab, including:

  • User Manual (this document)
  • Quick Reference Guide
  • Programming Guide
  • Foreign Language Support

To learn more about Rain Bird irrigation systems and our Rain Bird Academy training programs, visit: www.rainbirdservices.com/training
To see instructional videos for the ESP-TM2, visit www.youtube.com/


ESP-TM2 Controller Features

Feature Description
Maximum Stations 12
Simultaneous Stations 1 plus master valve
Start Times 4
Programs 3
Program Cycles Custom Days, Odd, Even and Cyclic
Permanent Days Off Per program
Master Valve Control On/Off per station
Rain Delay Supported
Rain/Freeze Sensor Supported
Rain Sensor Control Global or by station
Seasonal Adjust Global or by program
Manual Station Run Yes
Manual Program Run Yes
Manual Test All Stations Yes
Station Advance Yes
Short Detect Yes
Delay Between Stations Yes
Accessory Port Yes (5 pin)
Save & Restore Programming Yes
WiFi Compatible Yes - with LNK™ WiFi Module

WiFi Enabled

The LNK™ WiFi Module allows remote connection to a Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Controller using an Apple iOS or Android compatible smart device. The mobile application allows remote access and configuration of one or more irrigation controllers.
For more information on the LNK™ WiFi Module and the value this product can provide for your ESP-TM2 controller, please visit: http://wifi-pro.rainbird.com

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (9)
LNK™ WiFi Module (sold separately)

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (10)
Manage Sites Remotely


Mount Controller

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (11)NOTE: Choose a suitable mounting location close to a 230VAC wall outlet.

  1. Drive a mounting screw into the wall, leaving an 1/8 inch gap between the screw head and the wall surface (use the supplied wall anchors if necessary), as shown.
  2. Locate the keyhole slot on back of the controller unit and hang it securely on the mounting screw.
    Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (12)
  3. Remove the wiring bay cover on the lower part of the controller unit, and drive a second screw through the open hole inside the controller and into the wall, as shown.
    Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (13)

Wiring Connections

Connect Valves

  1. Route all field wires through the opening at the bottom of the unit, or through the knock-out in back of the unit. Attach conduit if desired, as shown.
    Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (14)
    Do not route valve wires through the same opening as power wires.
  2. Connect one wire from each valve to one of the numbered station terminals (1-12) on the controller, as shown.
  3. Connect a field common wire (C) to the common terminal (C) on the controller. Then connect the remaining wire from each valve to the field common wire, as shown.
    Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (15) NOTE: The ESP-TM2 controller supports one valve solenoid per station terminal.

Connect Master Valve (optional)

  1. Connect a wire from the master valve (M) to the master valve terminal (M) on the controller. Then connect the remaining wire from the master valve to the field common wire, as shown.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (16)

Connect Pump Start Relay (optional)

The ESP-TM2 can control a pump start relay, to turn the pump on and off as needed.

  1. Connect a wire from the pump start relay (PSR) to the master valve terminal (M) on the controller. Then connect another wire from the pump start relay to the field common wire, as shown.
  2. To avoid the possibility of damage to the pump, connect a short jumper wire from any unused terminal(s) to the nearest terminal in use, as shown.
    The ESP-TM2 controller DOES NOT provide power for a pump. The relay must be wired according to manufacturer instructions.

Only the following Rain Bird pump start relay models are compatible with the ESP-TM2:

Description Model # Volts
Universal Pump Relay PSR110IC 110V
Universal Pump Relay PSR220IC 220V

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (17)

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (18) NOTE: Connection to pump and external power not shown. Refer to pump installation instructions.

Connect Rain/Freeze Sensor (optional)

The ESP-TM2 controller can be set to obey or ignore a rain sensor.

Refer to the Rain Sensor section under Advanced Programming.

  1. Remove the yellow jumper wire from the SENS terminals on the controller.
    Do not remove the yellow jumper wire unless connecting a rain sensor.
  2. Connect both rain sensor wires to the SENS terminals, as shown.
    Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (19)
    Do not route the rain sensor wires through the same opening as the power wiring

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (20) NOTE: Rain Bird controllers are only compatible with normally closed rain sensors.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (21) NOTE: For wireless rain/freeze sensors, refer to installation instructions for sensor.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (22)

Connect Custom Wiring (optional)

If desired, the provided 230 volt power cord can be removed and replaced with a custom wiring.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (23)
DO NOT plug in the transformer or connect external power until you have completed and checked all wiring connections.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (24)
Electric shock can cause severe injury or death. Make sure power supply is turned OFF before connecting power wires.

  1. Locate the transformer wiring compartment in the lower left corner of the controller unit. Use a screwdriver to remove the cover and expose the transformer connection wires.
  2. Route the three external power source wires through the conduit opening at the bottom of the unit and into the wiring compartment.
  3. Connect the external power source wires (two power and one ground) to the transformer connection wires inside the wiring compartment.
    Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (25)
    Ground wire must be connected to provide electrical surge protection. Permanently mounted conduit shall be used for connecting main voltage to the controller
    Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (26) NOTE: Use either the provided wire nuts or the installed connector for this step.
  4. Verify that all wiring connections are secure, then replace the wiring compartment cover and secure it with the screw.
    Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (27)

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (28)
DO NOT apply power until you have completed and checked all wiring connections.

Brown supply wire (hot) to the brown transformer wire labeled with "L"
Blue supply wire (neutral) to the blue transformer wire labeled with "N"
Green-with-yellow-stripe supply wire (ground) to the green-with-yellow-stripe transformer wire

Controls and Indicators

Turn the dial to select programming features.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (29)

  1. OFF
    Disables automatic irrigation.
    Start watering any or all stations immediately.
    Adjust Run Times from 5% up to 200%.
    Set controller to obey or ignore a rain sensor.
    Watering occurs automatically.
    Set the current Date and Time.
    Select Program A, B or C.
  8. – / + BUTTONS
    Adjust program settings.
    Select programming options.
    Set up to 4 Start Times per program.
    Set Run Times for each program.
  12. RUN DAYS
    Set watering day options for each program.

Basic Programming

Set Date and Time

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (30)Turn the dial to DATE/TIME.

  1. Press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (31) or Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (32) to select the setting to change.
  2. Press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (33) or Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (34) to change the setting value.
  3. Press and hold Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (35) or Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (36) to accelerate adjustments.
    To change the time format (12 hour or 24 hour):
  4. With MINUTES blinking, press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (37).
  5. Press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (38) or Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (39) to select the desired time format, then press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (40) to return to the time setting.

Set Watering Start Times

Up to four Start Times are available for each program.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (41)Turn the dial to START TIMES.

  1. Press Program Select to choose the desired Program (if necessary).
  2. Press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (42) or Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (43) to select an available Start Time.
  3. Press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (44) or Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (45) to set the selected Start Time (ensure the AM/PM setting is correct).
  4. Press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (46) to set additional Start Times.

Set Station Run Times

Run Times can be set from one minute up to six hours.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (47) Turn the dial to RUN TIMES.

  1. Press Program Select to choose the desired Program (if necessary).
  2. Press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (48) or Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (49) to select a Station.
  3. Press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (50) or Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (51) to set the Run Time for the selected Station.
  4. Press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (52) to set additional Station Run Times.
    Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (53) NOTE: Rain Bird recommends that the maximum irrigation zone cycle time be less than the time required for runoff to begin and that there be adequate soak time before the next irrigation cycle of that same zone begins again.

Set Watering Days

Custom Days of the Week

Set watering to occur on specific days of the week.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (54) Turn the dial to RUN DAYS.

  1. Press Program Select to choose the desired Program (if necessary).
  2. Press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (55) or Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (56) to set the selected (blinking) day as either ON or OFF, and to automatically move to the next day.
  3. You can press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (57) or Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (58) at any time to move the cursor to the previous or next day.
    Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (59) NOTE: If Sunday is selected, Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (60) will enter and activate Cyclic Watering (see the Advanced Programming section). If this is not desired, press the Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (61) button to return to watering by Custom Days.

Manual Watering Options

Test All Stations

Start watering immediately for all programmed stations.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (62) Turn the dial to MANUAL STATION.

  1. Press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (63) or Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (64) to set a Run Time.
  2. Press and hold Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (65) or turn the dial to AUTO RUN to start manual station test.

Run a Single Station

Start watering immediately for a single station.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (66) Turn the dial to MANUAL STATION.

  1. Press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (67) to display the MANUAL STATION screen.
  2. Press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (68) or Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (69) to select a Station.
  3. Press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (70) or Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (71) to set a Run Time.
  4. Press and hold Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (72) or turn the dial to AUTO RUN to start the selected Station.

Run a Single Program

Start watering immediately for one program.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (73) Turn the dial to AUTO RUN.

  1. Press Program Select to choose the desired Program (if necessary).
  2. Press and hold Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (74) to start the selected Program.
    During Manual Watering:
    The display shows a blinking sprinkler symbol, the active Station Number or Program, and the Remaining Run Time.
    Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (75)
  3. To cancel manual watering, turn the dial to OFF for three seconds until the screen shows OFF.

Normal Operation


During watering, the display shows a blinking sprinkler symbol, the current Program and the Remaining Run Time.
Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (76)


Turn the dial to Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (77) OFF to stop automatic irrigation or to cancel all active watering immediately.

Watering will NOT occur if the controller remains in the OFF position.

Advanced Programming

Odd or Even Calendar Days

Set watering to occur on all ODD or EVEN calendar days.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (78) Turn the dial to RUN DAYS.

  1. Press Program Select to choose the desired Program (if necessary).
  2. Press and hold Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (79) and Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (80) at the same time until ODD or EVEN is displayed.

Cyclic Days

Set watering to occur at specific intervals, such as every 2 days, or every 3 days, etc.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (81) Turn the dial to RUN DAYS.

  1. Press Program Select to choose the desired Program (if necessary).
  2. On the Custom Days screen, press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (82) until the Cyclic screen is displayed (after SUN).
  3. Press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (83) or Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (84) to set the desired DAY CYCLE, then press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (85).
  4. Press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (86) or Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (87) to set the DAYS REMAINING before the cycle begins. The NEXT watering day updates on the display to indicate the day that watering will start as shown.
    Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (88)

Rain Sensor

Set the controller to obey or ignore a rain sensor.

When set to ACTIVE, automatic irrigation will be suspended if rainfall is detected. When set to BYPASS all programs will ignore the rain sensor.
Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (89) Turn the dial to SENSOR.

  1. Press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (90) or Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (91) to select ACTIVE (obey) or BYPASS (ignore).
    Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (92)
    Obey sensor
    Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (93)
    Ignore sensor
    Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (94)
    Rain detected (flashing)

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (95) NOTE: See Special Features to set Rain Sensor Bypass by Station.

Seasonal Adjust

Increase or decrease program run times by a selected percentage (5% to 200%).

Example: If the Seasonal Adjust is set to 100% and the station Run Time is programmed for 10 minutes, the station will run for 10 minutes. If the Seasonal Adjust is set to 50%, the station will run for 5 minutes.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (96) Turn the dial to SEASONAL ADJUST.

  1. Press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (97) or Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (98) to increase or decrease the global percentage setting.
  2. To adjust an individual Program, press Program Select to choose the desired Program (if necessary).

Delay Watering

Suspend watering for up to 14 days.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (99) Turn the dial to AUTO RUN, then press and hold Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (100).

  1. Press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (101) or Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (102) to set the DAYS REMAINING. The next watering day will update on the display to indicate when watering will resume.
    Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (103)
  2. To cancel a Rain Delay, set the DAYS REMAINING back to 0.
    Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (104) NOTE: When the delay expires, automatic irrigation resumes as scheduled.

Permanent Days Off

Prevent watering on selected days of the week (for Odd, Even or Cyclic programming only).

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (105) Turn the dial to RUN DAYS.

  1. Press Program Select to choose the desired Program (if necessary).
  2. Press and hold Program Select.
  3. Press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (106) to set the selected (blinking) day as a Permanent Day Off or press Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (107) to leave the day ON.
    Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (108)

Special Features

  1. Turn the dial to the desired position.
  2. Press and hold Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (109) and Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (110) at the same time.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (111)

    A station delay (from 1 second to 9 hours) ensures that a valve has completely closed before the next one opens.
    All programmed schedules will be erased.
    Tells a station to obey or ignore a rain sensor.
    Allows a station to be controlled by a master valve or pump start relay.
    See Advanced Programming.


Reset Button

If the controller is not working properly, you can try pressing RESET.

  1. Insert a small tool such as a paper clip, into the access hole and press until the controller is reset. All previously programmed watering schedules will remain stored in memory.
    Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (112)


A 5 pin accessory port is available for Rain Bird approved external devices, including:

  1. LNK™ WiFi Module
  2. LIMR Receiver Quick Connect harness
    Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (113)


Watering Issues

Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution
Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (114) Watering icon on the display is flashing, but the system is not watering Water supply issue. Verify there is no disruption to the main water line and that all other water supply lines are open and functioning.
Wiring is loose, not properly connected or damaged. Check that wiring is securely connected at the controller and in the field. Check for damage and replace if necessary. Check wiring connections and replace with watertight splice connectors if needed.

Automatic and/or Manual Watering will not start

Connected rain sensor may be activated. Let the rain sensor dry out or else disconnect it from the controller terminal block and replace it with a jumper wire connecting the two SENS terminals.
Jumper wire connecting the two SENS terminals may be missing or damaged. Jumper the two SENS terminals on the controller terminal block by connecting them with a short length of 14 to 18 gauge wire.
Solenoid or master valve is shorted. Confirm short message on the display. Correct the issue in the wiring. Clear the message by testing watering at the shorted valve or by pressing the Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (115) button.

Excessive watering

Programs may have multiple start times that were set unintentionally Programs (A, B or C) only require a single start time in order to run. Separate start times are not required for each valve.

Electrical Issues

Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution

Display is blank.

Power not reaching the controller. Verify the main AC power supply is securely plugged in or connected and working properly.
Verify the orange power supply wires are connected to the controller "24 VAC" terminals.

Display is frozen and controller will not accept programming.

An electrical surge may have interfered with the controller's electronics. Unplug the controller for 2 minutes, then plug it back in. If there is no permanent damage, the controller should accept programming and resume normal operation.
Press and release the RESET button.


EU Declaration of Conformity
Rain Bird Corporation hereby declares that the following irrigation controllers are EU compliant.

  • The products submitted meet the requirements of IP24.
  • The object of the declaration described above is in conformity with the relevant Union Harmonization Legislation:
    Product name: ESP-TM2 Irrigation Controller
    Model #: ESP-TM2
    Standards to which conformity is declared:
    2014/30/EU EMC Directive (EMC)
  • EN 55014-1:2006 + A2:2011
  • EN 55014-2:1997 + A1:2001 + A2:2008
    2014/35/EU Low Voltage Directive (LVD)
  • EN 60335-1:2012 + A11:2014 + AC:2014
  • EN 62233:2008+AC: 2008
    2011/65/EU RoHS Directive
  • EN 50581:2012

Signature: Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (116)
Full name: Ryan L. Walker
Position Director
Date: March 21, 2018
Place: San Diego, CA USA

Rain Bird Corporation
970 W. Sierra Madre
Azusa, California 91702,

Rain Bird International,
Inc. 1000 West Sierra
Madre Azusa, CA 91702,
Ph: (626) 963-9311
Fax: (626) 852-7343

Rain Bird Europe
240 Rue René Descartes
Batiment A PARC
BP 40072

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (117)As a hardware manufacturer, Rain Bird has met its national obligations to the EU WEEE Directive by registering in those countries to which Rain Bird is an importer. Rain Bird has also elected to join WEEE Compliance Schemes in some countries to help manage customer returns at end of life.

Safety Information

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (118)
Special precautions must be taken when valve wires (also known as station or solenoid wires) are located adjacent to, or share a conduit with other wires, such as those used for landscape lighting, other "low voltage" systems or other "high voltage" power.
Separate and insulate all conductors carefully, taking care not to damage wire insulation during installation. An electrical "short" (contact) between the valve wires and another power source can damage the controller and create a fire hazard.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (119)
All electrical connections and wiring runs must comply with local building codes. Some local codes require that only a licensed or certified electrician can install power. Only professional personnel should install the controller. Check your local building codes for guidance.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (120)
If the supply cord of an outdoor controller is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.
If the supply cord of an indoor controller is damaged, it must be replaced by a special cord or assembly available from the manufacturer or its service agent.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (121)
If the electrical cord for models ESP-TM2 AUS is damaged, it needs to be replaced with the following:
Flexible supply cord H05VV-F
Minimum wire size of 0.75mm^2 (18 AWG). For Direct Connect wiring, the minimum wire size is 0.75mm^2 (18 AWG).

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (122)
Outdoor controller shall be permanently connected to fixed wiring by a flexible cord, and have a cord anchorage. The cord anchorage shall relieve conductors from strain, including twisting, at the terminals and protect the insulation of the conductors from abrasion.

Use only Rain Bird approved accessory devices. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Rain Bird could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. Unapproved devices may damage the controller and void the warranty. For a list of compatible devices go to: www.rainbird.com

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Rain Bird could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

Date and time are retained by a lithium battery which must be disposed of in accordance with local regulations.

Model, serial number, supply rate, manufacturing country and fabrication date are located on the back of the wiring bay cover.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (123)
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capacity, or lack of experience and knowledge unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (124)
This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision.

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (125)
Stationary appliances not fitted with means for disconnection from the supply mains having a contact separation in all poles that provide full disconnection under overvoltage category III, the instructions state that means for disconnection must be incorporated in the fixed wiring in accordance with the wiring rules

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 on the Web


Rain Bird Corporation
6991 East Southpoint Road
Tucson, AZ 85756
Tel: (520) 741-6100

Rain Bird Corporation
970 West Sierra Madre Ave.
Azusa, CA 91702
Tel: (626) 812-3400

Rain Bird International
1000 West Sierra Madre
Azusa, CA 91702
Phone: (626) 963-9311

Technical Services for U.S. and Canada only:
1 (800) RAINBIRD

Specification Hotline U.S. and Canada only:
1 (800) 458-3005

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (126)

© 2019 Rain Bird Corporation
® Registered trademark of Rain Bird Corporation


Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Controller: Manual Watering Options Video by Rain Bird

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Controller: Basic Programming Video by Rain Bird

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Controller: Advanced Programming Video by Rain Bird

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Controller: Installation Video by Rain Bird

Documents / Resources


Download manual

Here you can download full pdf version of manual, it may contain additional safety instructions, warranty information, FCC rules, etc.

Download Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual

Rain Bird ESP-TM2 Manual (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.