Evening Post from Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England (2024)

THE NOTTINGHAM EVENING POST, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1938 ANOTHER BRIGHT CARD FOR DECISION TO-MORROW Mount In Derby Cup Mr. G. Pappageno II will Cun in the uerby Cup on Friday and wait for the a November Handicap. if Pappageno II does not run at Derbv Gordon Richards will ride H.H. Aga Khan Foroughi in the Derby Cup LANCER 'al Utt 2m 4 Oct.

H. WILD (12-0, Mr. J. Gordon) 0 rvar CELTIC ROVER 00 2 MONTCLAIH vi Masr. With 1 13) ion Ko seer (10-J1) Wothprhv 3 len ths (10-7) i length away Sugar Lutn behind.

THREE FATF.SMn^u 1 2 Arcll 'bald) 04 0 BARA (10 11 oi 12 Vri B. ') fell, ran See MONTGt.AIR. by 0 0 2 BALLIN'VULI A rm-ii Joseph, dam by Eagtlone I 7 Francis lengths by Jeai, de la 1 9 be ten 10 200 yds) Oct. 14. tll-9) at Pershore (2m 2 0 2 GOLD AMULET (Q-n -Nennette.

Can meet i aiK den Mvth 0 0 5 TAIS-TOl (12-11 1) bv I beUe AVith n-o 4 lengths by Desperation (10 71 and ths a' (11-0) at Wetherby (2m)Nov Vk ii 'S'" 4 0 0 DAGGERDALE (10-10-12) be hu Hereford Dale loo (Millar) nof in first to Gold Cup (10-12) at Tarporlev (3m) Anril 0 0 3 FLOWER FISH (9-10-10) hi 6 f- With 10-10 (Mr. Hanburv) 10 lengths. 8 lengths by Knuckleduster 8 Lady (12-7) at Towcester (3m STEEPLECHASE of Sinn, ons /C.OU. £2O, 3rd £10: 2 miles. 150, 2na 1 MAX (Col.

J. A. Fairhurst) ge 2 URGENT CALL (Mr. W. Allard) H.Turner 6 3 (Mr J.

T. C. Burn) Bur' 7 4 NO RECKONING (Mr. F. Ambrose Clark) 11 2 5 MA-CHIN-ON (Dr.

D. W. John) C. Birch 8 119 6 SULTANO (Mr. A.

13. Mildmay) 811 2 H. Whiteman 7ii 7 WATCHDOG (Mrs. A. E.

Philipps) Bissdl ATi 8 SIMPLY SAMMY (Mr. J. V. Rank) Evans 7 Ho 9 TEME SENTRY (Mr. T.

Walker) Rimell 5 in 13 10 FRA NICK (Mrs. W. J. reason) Rnnell sin it 11 LE SIROCO (Lt-Col. C.

Barrow) Crump gln It 12 ACCOUNTANT (Mr. J. Parkinson) Beeby 41019 13 SHANTY (Mr. C. N.

Baring) 710 11 14 MOYGADDY (Mr. W. Goodbody) p. Thrale 6in 11 15 SWEET DOLL (Mr. Hollowell) Hollowell 6ln 11 16 LEGIS (Mr.

J. Kincaid) Renton 7 in 11 17 BENJAMIN BUNNY (Mrs. L. Lillingston) Private 61 18 MAGIC FEET (Mrs. M.

Newton) Private 6in 11 19 FOOLIGNE (Mr. J. R. Smart) Parker 6in 20 PRIDE (Mr. T.

Phipps) Private 91011 21 DUSTY SHOES (Mr. James V. Rank) Coulth waite 7mii 22 CASTLE LAW (Mrs 1. Strang) stone 7 in 23 KNIGHTSBUOOK (Mr. J.

H. Whitney) J. Anthony 6in 24 GLYM VALLEY (Mr. D. Denis) P.Dennis 61011 25 YAT-SEN (Mr.

J. L. Bailes) R. Hobbs 5 10 26 DARK SMOKE (Mr. A.

L. Flower) Private 5 27 MASSEUR (Sir Harold Gray) Luddington 510 28 ARGENT (Mr. T. H. Harris) Dutton 510 29 OLD PAL (Lady Lindsay) Private 5 a 30 IBRAHIM II (M.

P. Wertheimer) Hartigan 5 31 KNIGHT OF THE BORDER (Mr. R. Hanbury) Earl 4 7 32 ORDERLY (Miss D. Paget) ...0.

Anthony 4 33 ARMOUR (Mr. J. J. Parkinson) 410 34 LUXBOROUGH (Mr. James A.

de Rothschild) C. Pratt 410 35 GHOST FISH (Mr. P. Thrale) P. Thrale 4 36 ELM GROVE (Mr.

Arthur Donn) W. Payne 4 57 KILBRIDE (Sir Alfred McAlpine) Barthropp 4 JO 0 0. 1 2 MAX br gby "ith 12-0 (Walwvn), fav, beaten a short head by Kirri mu.r (11-9), Col wall (2m) Nov 7, DARK SMOKE Frc'vn) length away 3rd. BENJAMIN Mr. Lillingstone) 4th of 9- ARGENT (11-9 puned up fen PONTY PRIDE (10-13, Mr.

T. Phippgj ofVn 0 Pk ENT CALL (6-11-2), bg by Clarion-Bit 1 Wlth H-7 (Gough) sth of 7to Mrs. Grundy (11-7), Liverpool (2m) Nov 8. EME sErt TRY (5-10-13), br gby Sirvente- Teme Bank. See ACCOUNTANT.

FRA (5-10-13). ch by Captain How Nice. 10-7 (D. Jones) 6th of 17 to 00-9), Cheltenham (3ra) March 9. rn SI OCO (5-10-15), hr hby Mot ley-Lad vof lime's! 11 6 (P Wall) 3 Little Stranger (12-0) and Lemon Peal (11-9) Winof 2 ()rt 15 A CHIN-ON (12 0, Spares) sth of 9.

MAX (12-0, Archibald) pulled up. Hlrbace I m.a CCO i ANT 1012 Embargo- II niAM 113 (Nicholson) beat IBRAHIM Dartigan) 4 lengths, Worcester (2m) MArmiJ'nM 01 Lass 12 0) A lengths away 3rd, and Mitdn lvV ON 112I 12 0 Spares), SULTANO (12-0. Mr. 14 and FEME SEN TR (11-11, Rimell) in rear. Mn 4 (6-10-11), by Leiratee- Madame de Stael.

See KNIGHT OK THE BORDER 2 0 I (7-10-11). gr by Herodote-Scoleh k. Wlth 10 6 Mr Herbert) beaten lengths oy Hill Song (12-7) over hurdles, Wetherby (2im) Donna ''a (1-9) 3 lengths away 3rd 6f 20. 4 BENJAMIN BUNNY (6 10-11), Dy Glanmerin- Bamsters. See MAX.

0 2 2 FOOLIGNE (6 10-11), by bpmner. 7 ith 11-10 (Nicholson) beaten 4 lengths bv 1 arthique (11-5) over huidles, Worcester (2in) Nov. 5. latbengula (11-0) 2 lengths away 3rd ol 18. 0 4 2 GLY.N VALLEY (6-10-11), by Valley.

With 11-7 (Millar) beaten a distance, after falling, by Tartlet (11-7) Bangor (2m) April 23. 4 4 3 DARK SMOKE (5-10-8), by Dark Lantern Nicotine. See MAX. 0 0 0 ARGENT (5-10-8), by See MAX. With 10-0 (Archibald) sth of 12 to Chinese Order (12-7) Nottingham (2m) Oct.

24. MASSEUR (11-3, Rickabv) fell. 0 3 2 IBRAHIM 11 (5-10-8). by See ACCOUNTANT. 1 2 KNIGHT OF THE BORDER (4-10-7), hr bv Knight of Dundalle Damsel.

With 10-12 (Archibald) beaten 2 lengths by Damascus (11-7) Cheltenham (2m) Nov. 3, LUXBOROUGII (10-5, e' Brown), 4 lengths away 3rd, MOYGADDV (11-2 W. 4th, CASTLE LAW tll-2, Owen) stti of 11. 0 3 3 LUXBOROUGH (4 100), by Bolingbroke -Lux. See KNIGHT OF THE BORDER.

3 -STAFFORDSHIRE HANDICAP STEEPLP chase ol £150: and £2O: 3 miles 1 HUMBLE PIE (Lady Dumfries) Barthropn qio 2 BELTED HERO (Lord Penrhyn) ie To I 3 THE PROFESSOR II (Mrs. Strang) Store 7 4 GOLD CUP (Mr. T. C. Mann) 7 2 3 5 STRAIGHT LARCH (Miss K.

Bazley) y9ll 11 6 BLACK HAWK (Mr. Marshall) 7 19 7 GOLDEN PILOT (Mr. J. Isn.ay) Tun er I 8 DIDORIC (Mr. K.

Lehman) Brown qH I 9 PERFECT PART (Lord Acton) a 1 a 10 MELLBURNE (Lady Penrhvn) 11 4 11 FRANKIE (Mr. F. H. Sugden) 11 3 12 BALLYFOX (Comdr. N.

Whitehead )(sih 811 3 13 CA PITULATE (Mr- BL' Platt) A tie 710 11 14 SANLUNE (Mr. A. S. Bellvillel i 8 10 10 .5 SPUHTLE (Mrs. A.

IIO 8 16 MALTED MILK (Blr. ILMarshall 8 0 17 CAPRICHO (Mrs. Crum-Ewing) 5 10 6 18 DOUBLE ROYAL (Mrs. A 8 10 5 19 KNOCKBAWN (Mr. oU.m 88 11 610 3 20 NOBLE ARTIST (Mr.

Bevnck.) lllVau 610 2 BUHVIAM 0 10 4 HUMBLE PIE (9-12-71 10 0 With 12-7 (Wilson) 4th ree Krom Druunore (10-12) Perth (2m) Sent oq 1 7 to Lord 2 3 1 BELTED HERO (10-12 51 Belted Lady. With 11-5 (Isaac) beat To by nerodias-10 lengths, Nottingham (3m) ct (I 2 01-12) 3 lengths away 3rd of 24 GOL CLP 3 1 3 THE PROFESSOR (Owen) fav. beaten a head. 3 lenath. Wl l.

1111 Gowp (10-0) and Belisha UO-1) Chei.eJJh by Bache 2. Fourteen ran. (2m) Nov. 0 2 1 STRAIGHT LARCH (S-11-lm Line. With ii-n gr by Ethpenny (12-2) 6 lengths, Uttoxeter tbl beat Luck Over the Border (10-10) 4 lengths oct 28 Good.

CAPUICHO (10 4, Walwym BWa srd of 8- 32 0 GOLDEN PILOT (6-U'- 5 rh 7th With n-j (Vinai) 511, of Navigator (10-7) Kempton (2im 90vds) March 10 Pr ovooative 00 0 DIDORiC (9-11-51 hr Pulled up, Annf by Apree previous race. With 10 10 fell in hi? aO 91 by Birthgi (l i- 2) and Antipa. ead i length, Oct. io. FRANKIE (11-10, Mr.

pnr GUo xeter (3m) 9 tan. BLACK HAWK (12-5 Ar 1 n) fav in rear 0 4 4 MELLBURNE 'l ald) 11-3 gby 's ni f(I (11 11) 2nd place to atcd uith Dmton Lad 2 IoTw th JO 9 7 1 'F 1 2 erby (Sm Nov 4 1 MH9 Mar -V (10-5) 01 9 NOBI Ilf 8 head Pulled up. UI 'L ARTIST (10-9, Mr. Vaux) 4 0 CAPITIH.ATp ro Gapriee. With 10-12 (Beilin I bg by d0 (10-12), UUoxetV rx av sth oi 8 to Hurr 2 4 4 MALTED MU oct 28 Hmnemna.

With it 7t 3 10 6), eh by Adieu(l2-0), Wetherbv 4GI 10 to Bennnnes 10 0 DOURI 5 -Princess Nathalie vtVu 6 lO 3 bK by P.Jyphonte* 4ofg to GOLD fi n'ts, 117 not in (5m 220 yds) (1113, Redpiond), Pershnre Goddcm (6 1 1, oh bJ Bha "K- A Trout (11 6A lo 7 (Mr Gordon 4th ol 13 to Sea lll-6) Kempton (3m) March a. DERBY WIN THE ODD EVENT Institutes 9 Association Meeting In Nottingham feel it an honour to be with the institutes at this spontaneous goodwill and friendliness are rare to were the opening remarks of the Rev. H. B. Liddell, rector of Wollaton, in proposing Success to the Institutes at the gathering in Nottingham on Saturday of the Nottingham and Derby Institutes Association.

Ihe meeting was at Institute, and the Nottingham president, Mr. John Crawford, welcomed the visitors, Derby secured 5 wins out of 5, taking snooker, whist and cribbage, Nottingham secured a comfortable win at billiards, taking 10 wins out of lo; whiie at table tennis they took all but one ot the games played. Results billiards NOTTINGHAM, DERBY J. H. ILeCtuun, fit.

B. Lowe, Bulwell Ch. S9 Thomas's 200 11. Hxlges, Allen-5 200 ton B.L 39 I loulds, Beestn 0.8. 200 Barber.

St. Thins 147 St Caths. 200 St 90 Chapman. Beeston Hannah Alcuton 103 BL Noltm. 111 3L Stev nB 200 aVu 171 Mnmbv.

St, Thom 200 Tu, 200 A WaUon, St. Augus. 181 200 Leys 168 a. IlkestonCh. 200 Milward.

St. James 91 Cmith Whitbread, St. H. 200 Th 200 W. Tuphs, 108 Robinson i SB II 190 V.M.C.A..

200 Vicklra Citv 200 Nmed ley, Leys 119 ickers. City Trans. 200 G. Morrell. St.

Augus. 126 Nottingham won 2,1 1 5 NOTTINGHAM. OCKER T. 0 M. Cox.

B. Smith. Uulwell Earner, St. 2 H. Sissons, Buhvell Ch nb i EngrS 2 A Hemmmgs Noltm 1J- oregor Y.

Hardie hoc. 2 pir a siapk rofu 2 Andrew, 1 L. Hossiker, I H. Kevr Nottm i U- Rlch lr dson, Ciombiis L. Peel, City Transnort i a En 2 C.

Sewoon.be, ft; I Derby won l3 23 nottinuham ABLE TEN? (f 0 Ma I M.C.A. 0 F. Stokeley, Ilkeston Ch 9 St. Andrew 2 L. Heaney! St.

Giles 4 F. Ri.ey, Y.M.C.A A A J. Clarike, St. Giles 1 A. Custance, St.

Philip ft 0 Nottingham won 26 CKIBBAGE NOTTINGHAM. DEI? BY VV. Greenfield, St. Auir. 3 Kni-bc G.

Greenfield, St. Aue. 1 2 Pearson, Bodcns 5 Boot, Uloonisgrove 5 J. Brown, Clarion 2 Weston, Boots 5 J. Ford.

Druids 2 W. Owen Boots A Warrington. Execut. 3 J. Morsii, Derby 8.0 E.D.

4 Vi? Bl Ratford Derby P. 0.. K. Flanks, City Trans. 3 K.

Millington, 4 P. Wintour. City Trans. 3 W. Blore, Firs Estate 4 Thorpe, Deaf 4 H.

A. Dolman, Hardie S. 3 Betts, Emmanne; 4 W. Jharose. 3 C.

Thompson. Emmnl. 3 T. Pollard, Lougdens 4 J. Upton, Corp.

Estates. 2 Alb. Pouitney, L.N.E.R. 5 A Older, 3 H. Nash, M.U.F.S 4 H.

Clements, 3 J. Wheeler Mun.A G.W. 4 Wylcs, Gas. Dept. 5 N.U.R 2 B.

Ward. St. 2 E. Scarpe, Osmaston M.S. 5 S.

Craven, Sherwood 2 S. Palmer. St. 5 Stevenson St. Cath.

6 J. White. St. Barnabas 1 2 1 le St.John’s 5 2 Utd. Soc.

5 Tr 2H. Newton, Wilkins 5 F. Cane, Works Ways 4 W. Towle, Executive 3 Derby won 4 94 WHIST NOTTINGHAM. ott A nn'.

A Ault Anles a A a tlurch 4 ton Brotherhood 1 St ra H. Pugh, C. Cook. II A Ch 4 British Legion P.T. AugustineS A 5 St''Wusnne TurneV, B.

W. Balf A 1 dinghani, clarion 4 worth nollln F. H. cousins, J. S.

W. 2 A rew I Co A Catherine's ist A. T. Simms. J.

B. Bgypss: 2 iSSS; 3 2 "pK 4 1 mn iv ci 5 Bennett, Evingtou 2 Corr.n«e Y' L. Tempest. G. W.

Crab-11. I OT 2 tree Soc 4 T- s. White, S. Bosley. Gorpoiation Estates a Forn.w rd H.

Cros ley' Cooper 2 Longdens 3 bard 1 V- Hub Tavlor, G. Roe. 3 LN 2 St A. E. Cholerton, E.

Sm. w- 8 1 U.F.S 4 St dagger. J. Lager. T.

Elliot 1 Municipal and GW 4 SL on. A Burton. 11. Flaherty, Ur 4 Osmaston M.S St C- A. Bestwiek.

J. Phillips. ir 2 Rowditeh 3 Sherwood Buswell We W. Raynor, B. 3 St Almond's Mn 2 Sherwood Norman J- Johnson.

S. Gardner. W. Powm 2 St 3 J- J- T. Bowver.

C. E. J- Sw7n 3 Priestley, Angus. 2 P. ton A 3 dB -iaii 2 Sad? Ch Ur 1 StKi 4 JlttilTTi' 3 hn-.

Tat 2 Tret Rr.H;A Soar. St. dge Trans ort 3 2 stone tb Cook Lowe. St. Tr 4 Michael's 1 Trent Shellon Hopwood, A.

E. Fllis rans 1 Fountain. St. Thomas. 4 Work.

n7 FlttJohn Freeman, F. Jessop. II nf 0 Wilkins 5 Hatton kett Cowper, A. Allenby, 'fatten. Executive 2 Executive 3 Derby won 68 72 NOTTM.

WEST COUNTRY SOCIETY. 4 ni w' a soc a gathering in connection hd i tbe ollm gli a iii West Country Society was TW 0,1 Saturda evening at the Milton Cafe 1 encouraging attendance of memj nc friends who were provided with rho a ro A whist drive occupied ho' rS proceedings, the winners 3 1 Miss Castle: 2, Miss Edwards, ,2 lebardson Gentlemen: 1, Mr. Brawn; Mr. Clarke; 3, Miss Hutchinson (playing as a gentleman). Following refreshments, dancing indulged in, Mrs.

Constable (the secretary of Society, of 122, Musters road, West Bridg officiating at the piano. Then the compa were entertained with a spelling bee. Sides composed of equal numbers of ladies and gentle Mien took part, and the former were the winners by 14 points to seven. West Country people living in Nottingham, of whom there are a great number, are taking increasing interest in the society. EARLY PROGRAMMES NATIONAL 10.15 Service.

10-30 and weather. 10.45 The Beginner's Log: Frying, Savouries, and Sweets, by Ann llardy. 11.0— For Schools: Physical Training (for use in an open space) (from Scottish). 11 music. 11.25— History in the Making: Joint Stock Enteiprise by K.

C. Boswell. 11.45 Physical Training (for use in a classroom), by Edith Dowling (from Scottish), 12.0 Programme of gramophone Pons (soprano). 12.15 Empire a topical tevtew of events overseas devised and edited bv James Gilroy, assisted by Kenneth Baily; presented by Pascoe Thornton. 12.45 Frank Rea and his Orchestra, from the Orphens (Restaurant, Belfast.

1.15 Records at Random REGIONAL, MIDLAND AND NORTH. 10.15—10.30—National. 11 .0 Ireland Orcbestis (from Belfast). 12.0 Chamber music: The Ptrani Trio; Leila (violin); Charlaa Hambourg (violoncello). Max Piram 12 Gloucestershire George (from Midland).

I November Out ol Doors (from North). DUNSTALL PARK SPORT Morse Code May Compete In Wolverhampton Hurdle FORM OF THE HORSES ENGAGED Visitors to Dunstoll Park tomorrow are promised another interesting afternoon's 'chasing, when fields should again be strong. The Gold Cup winner. Morse Code, and the smart lepper Be) Et Bon, are notable nominations for the Wolverhampton Handicap Hurdle. And Form Programme 13.50.~ selling hurdle race Ot I VV 3 r) LTTII 10 7 Mr- Palmer a 10 8 (r Penrhyn) Smyth 6 1110 (Mr.

W. F. KansomJ 6 1110 9 UP RIVERS (Mr. Smart) Parker 7 11 10 10 HALF AND HALF (Mr. Ulako) A.

Blake 10 11 6 5 11 5 11 0N in i 14 (Col Pairhumt) til I 15 CACTUS II (Mr. H. Isaacs) C. Birch fill 16 ARTAXERXES (Mr. W.

Madden) Madden all 17 NOhTH LODE (Mr. E. Peek) Uuk sll I 1 KISE (Mr. A. Redman) Rimell 7 5 19 DEVON (Mrs.

N. Roberts) Roberts 5 11 5 20 IRISH BRIAR (Mr. Mddmay) H.Whiteman 8 11 5 21 SET FAIR (Mrs. Townsend) Bennett 6 11 5 22 808 EACH WAY (Mrs. Tozer) J.Anthony 4 11 5 25 ARCTIC LASS (Mr.

T. Venn) 8 11 5 24 SHIPBOUHNE (Mr. Whiteman) Whiteman 10 11 5 25 SLONG (Mr. G. H.

Witham) Private 4 11 5 26 CHANTICLEER (Mr. Harris) G.Bowsher 4 11 0 07 KILLARNEY BOV (Mrs.Thomas) Donoghue 4 11 0 THE WHAKFE (Mr. Lewis) 5 10 0 29 LJPSADAISY (Mr. G. P.

Parry) 10 0 30 CROCUS (Mrs. N. Roberts) Roberts 310 0 to Pompon (11-6) Wethcrby (2m) Nov. 4, in company with ETHEDON (11-8, Weldon). With 10-3 (Archibald) 4th to Lavengro (10-8), Nottingham (2m) Oct.

24. PRINCE ROUGE (11-10, M. J. Prendergast) 7th, and ETHEDON (11-5, in rear. 20 ran.

I Kfk HURDLE RACE Of £200; X.sJvf, 2 nd £2O, 3rd 2 miles. 1 KAHLSTAR (Maj. Furlong) Furlong 512 3 2 SANDON (Sir A- McAlpine) 412 2 5 BAY LAUREL (Mr. T. Harris) 512 4 OAMOGIE (Mr.

J. R. Leigh) Johnson 512 0 20 CONGE (Mr. Whitelaw) W. Stubbs 612 0 5 YAT-SEN (Mr J.

Bailes) R. Hobbs 5 1110 6 HAZARDTOWN (Mr. R. Ball) F. Furlong 611 10 7 MARGOLD -Mr.

J. Bean) Dutton 711 10 8 TULLY LAD tMr. A. J. Hall 5 1110 9 WHIPSNADE (Lord Bicester) Elwell 6 1110 10 BRIGHTER LAND (Mr Bowler) Nunnerlcy 611 10 II UEPEA.TER (Sir Carew Pole) I.

Anthony 611 10 12 WRONG RIGHTED (Mr. Cherry-Downes) Bissill 611 10 13 OCLE STAR (Mr. G. Edwards) 611 10 DOROTHY DENE (Mr. J.

Huelin) Thrale 711 10 1 SAUCE (Capt. Newton) Eiwe'l 511 10 HOPE (Mrs. Phillips) Bissill 6 1110 il T. Pde) Hardwicke 511 10 in a- (Mr Ta lor Coulthwaite 7 1110 ATlniv Venn McGregor 6 1110 21 NATIONAL NIGHT (Mr. J.

Whitney) 22 HIGHCHOPT (Miss N. WinterLuomT 11 6 10 EN -Se ii 411, 1 J- V. Rank) Evans 4 11 26 SAM RROWm MrS Spalding) 41l 9 27 ROMBEVU Mr Browne) I mpSOn 411 9 28 UUIIILY 411 5 29 BROCOLI QUEEN (Mr er 411 5 30 BAROGRAPH W) 0 on 4 5 31 CLARET (Mrs. C. Jones) 411 5 32 CVMRIDIUM (Lady Lindsavi th 4 5 35 SCOTTISH DaVn 411 5 34 ALT PASHA (Mr.

F. Trnelove) 4ii 35 TOXTOI (Mr. Willis) 111 56 BLACK ROCK (Miss Greenwood) Holloweli sin 37 BOWSPRIT fMr. D. Miln) T.

lSi 38 BIRTHLAW (Mr. R. Pearson) C. 3Zn 39 BEAU ZENITH (Mrs. Jones) GoldS 1 40 PRATTLER (Mr.

Master.) WiiHams 110 3 0 0 1 KARLSTAR (5-12-5), br bv Ltglit. With 11-io (P. Kelly) beat Blue Heath (in 3 lengths at Hawthorn Hill (2m) Nov 7 ohn (12-3) i length away 3rd of i 0 7 John Preston 0 1 0 SANDON (4-12-2), ch by Mith 11-4 (Ingham) Bth ol 14 to Aldme Liverpool (2m If) last Friday. Good going 4 LIGHTLY SPRUNG and SCOTTISH DAWN 0 0 4 CONGE (6-12-0), by Mnnt Collinee. With 11-13 (M.

J. Prendergast) of SaT (110 Ke ly) 8t HaWth Hl 0 4 0 VVIIIPSNADE (6-11-10), ch by Werwolf Bedelia. With 11-2 (Weldon) no in fitg, to Hill Song (12-7) at Wetherby (2im) Nov 5 w.lh 12-2 (Kidney) 411) of 11 to Silent Jack Cioii Pershore (2ni 200 yds) Oct. 15. 2 l) at 0 DOROTHY DENE (7-11-10), by Seatwell Dorothy Prosper.

With 12-1 (T. Ryan) not in 4 of 12 to John Preston (12-1) at Foutwell in Oct. 17. lI) 0 4 2 TARTAR SAUCE (5-11-10), ch by limosin- Tartarcss. With 119 (Kidney), beateii 5 len-ah.

by Peter Piper (11-9) at Wetherbv (2m) Nov'" 4 Limace (12-0) 6 lengths away 3rd, and CAMOrn? (11-9, Wilco*ck), ALI PASHA (11-2, Cooke) and RIGHT HOPE (11-9, Bissill) in rear. 20 ran 0 0 4 NATIONAL NIGHT (6-11-10), eh bv Wee Proof. With 11-12 (H. Jones) 4th nf 18 to The Uplilter (11-12) over fences at Cheltenham (2m) March 9. -0 0 4 FERRULE (111X-10), by (8-11-10), by Abbots Sneed or lea Aura.

With 12-5 (Mr. Baylev) 6th of 21 to Barrage (12-0) at Nottingham iora) Oct. 24. NORTH LOOK (12-5, Nicholson) 9th. FERRULE (12-0, Knott) and UNCANNY II (12-5, Walwyn) fell.

0 0 5 POOR DUKE (5-11-10), br by Gone Cold- Lady Vah. With 11-7 (Walwyn) beaten 5 lengths, 8 lengths by Hordeville (12-7) and Noce Argent (10-4) at Uttoxeter (2m 40yds) Oct. 27. 8 ran. 0 2 1 KRASSAWITZ (6-11-10).

by With 12-2 (W. Bartlam) beat Monoceros (11-12) 10 lengths at Uttoxeter (2m 40yds) Oct. 11, Gowan (10-10) 5 lengths away 3rd of 9. 0 4 1 NO PARKING (9-11-10), bl by Rpearway. With 11-2 (Ingham), beat Fruit Exchange (10-7) 6 lengths on this course March 15.

Interned (10-0) 4 lengths away 3rd of 15. 0 0 3 SAMARKAND (6-11-10) ch by Khansa. With 12-0 (R. Smyth) beaten li lengths and a short head by The Mum (10-13) and Miltoi (10-7) at Worcester (2m) Nov. 5.

12 ran 1, 2 1 1 O. 1 (6-11-10), ch by Monk. I ll ga 1,681 Pharnace (12-3) 4 lengths at Pershore (2m 200vds) Oct 14 Antigua (11-10) 1 length away 3rd of a 0 0 AX WRh I s) Master Charlie A (11 5 dev6n 3 '(ii io. 4 2 sa 3 WluflO ll (a a s) by Guido Canossa. Wltn IU par jrd 0 chest nut (10-5) Bnd Jbames (10-S).

beaten 8 lengths 4 Jengths, at Newton Abbot (2ni) May 12 len K'ns, 4 0 HORNSEY Vspto rouslika. Witli 11 10 Ts i of to 11- Smydhrwai 21 0 by 0 0 SUIPBOUHNE (10-11-4), hv Maid. Wit hl2-0 (Mr. of 10 to Knight of Monaster (12-0) Hawthorn Hill f2m) Nov. 7.

4 0 1 SLONG (4-11-5), by Hinemoa AVith 11-10 (Archibald) beat Fireaway (11-5) 3 lengths' Wetherby (2m) Nov. 4, Broxton (11-io) 2 lengths awav 3rd, FERRULE (12-1, Parvin) 4tb of i4 MEMENTO II (11-5, M. Dawson) behind. -I OA -WOLVERHAMPTON HANDICAP HURDLE RACE of £200; 2nd £2O; 2 miles. VICTOR NORMAN (Mr.lsmay) H.Turner 7 12 7 GONDOLFO (Mme.Jean lloumen) 2 Goldsmith 7 12 7 urr FT BON (Mr.G.Whitelaw) W.Stubbs 7 12 5 fl! 7 ROY ALfMrWh.telaw) W.Stuhba 111 7 Webb) Kenton 4 11 5 9 UOKNPfPU Ken von) Laurence 5 11 4 10 GIOVANNI (Mr- it ir ch) C.

Birch 4 11 1 12 DE ClilS '( Mr.Tyfer) ll.Brown 7 11 12 PRINCE DE Llin'E' Weldon) Lyde 6 11 0 li 1 19 MH Capt. E- Ram.den) 5 10 0 20 PETOKORD (Mrs. C. Jones) Gilbert 4 10 1 0 BEL ET BON (7-12 6). by Cannobieet Belle.

Fell hi a at lengths Hh 12 7 fWilsonl Deal AuJ How (10-4) 10 1 1 8 chase it Manchester (2im) Feb. 26. Goldscleugh tlO-0) 5 lengths away 3rd of 10. o. hv The Piw MOUSE CODE (9 1112).

or ch by The Pdot Heliograph. With 12-5 (0. Morgan) not in first fen 15 African Sister (11-12), Stratford-on Avon Oct. 13 Good going. Sah 0 0 up SABRE (6-1110), ch by Upsalquitch i' See MANTEAU ROYAL.

2 UUhazzo (7 11 8), ch by arch LoKi aj M'ith io (lUmell) beaten 3 lengths by April I 2 pert (11-0) in a 'chase at Manchester (2ni) over JK 12-3 (R.mel.) beat Belisha (10 0) 8 fled ncM Uttoxeter (2m 40yds) April 4. Satis 5 2 'engths away 3rd of B. KOYaL (5-11-7). by Cra.g an beaten a Tim Yv 10 10 (M. J.

Prendergast Mar. 26. Cocti Elagg (101), Liverpool (2m H) NIGHT OWL 00-7) a short head awav 3rd. (11-4, MulonevY 02, MeN 'eill) Bth, and UP SABRE 0 0 HORN 1 15 ran. Good.

Jenepher. WiA, 4 11 5), by Press Lavengro (10-R) 1 1 (Ward) not in first 8 of 20 to it ETHEDON (2m) Oct. 24. in company Archibald) was 5 Uommr), MR. TICKLER (10-3, pL dergast) 7th.

4t INCE ROUGE (11 10, M. J. 1 0 0 GIOVANNI re wob 2 Bis8 'll) not in by i 6) Cheltenham 2n rst 8 20 to African Sister (1 2 4 blue coat (4 5 ,,4 4 Costume With ch by Prester Uttoxeter inZ, Pa rvin) 4th of 8 to (1 DE CIIINP 4 ydB Oct. 27. Good.

A baba. With 11-8 ch by Cadum (10 4) Colwaii un ter) Bth of 13 to ce Foley), Il el? im Nov. 7. BACK ISLE a 0 DOTE BACH eco it Good-0 1 0 Pemba. See MlLToi.

(S 11-lO), gr by Herodote'' oif OWL (6-10-13), 3 1 3 it 9 (Moloney) beatenT Bird. W' 4) and Farsi (114, li lengths by Aldine ra Good. Ver Pool (2m If) last Friday Ami (8 10 7). 0 a 2 10 .7 (Goddard) bent. A btoj Mildred.

ia) Worcester (2in) 0 lengths by fhe Mum nead BW 3rd, Bamarkand (12 0) a shmt UEKODOTE AT (to 13. 6lh, l2 ran. (U 10. D. Job in rear.

(10-IO 5), by Farman kto 0 0 0 BACK I NE. nan KB (6 10-0). by Xoio. tick, 4 0 MU. Tl (Archibald) not in first With io 1 a 21 0 0 0 SAM BROWN (4-11-9), hr by Tommv Hurry Along.

See CYMBIDIUM 7 0 LIGHTLY SPRUNG (4-11-5), by Dancing Floor -Gal Mine. With 11-5 (Walwvn) nT flrsi 4 of 11 to Rattle Along (11-10). Stratford-on-Avon (2in) company with SANDON (11-5. Wilson). 3 3 0 CLARE -1 (4 ll 5), by Pons Asinorum Olansse.

See CYMRIDIUM. Asmorum- 0 .0 4 CYMBIDIUM (4-11-5). ch by Cvclonic 27. BARoSAPH 2 40 vds ') oct On rf in rear, Wth in Hero- Some Jinks (10-2) UHoTter 40f15 to Pany with BEAU i A lOl- 11 in com BOWSPRIT fvi n-VY I (1 2 ott) With 10-10 (Goodwills 5 Po (2m.) 5 (U S). Wor BRIGHTER LAND MAHOOLD Bissill), 0 bv 0 0 PRATTIEItfsm.rK BLA ROCK Jackdaw.

With ioq br Praetor-Lady (10-10), Cheltenham 0, l7 40 Btevpdor6 ZENITH (10-5, Piggott) in-rea 7 NOV 3 BEAU 3.20. A selling handicap steeple 1 ms SE 0 1( 2nd £10; 2 2 FEKjHANs IK fltS? 12 7 Mr I i i'ANCEH (Miss B. Ulover) in 19 6 11 YPFUlriui 1 la n) Bushton 15 12 7 MOVTC sVn (j ode 612 I r.mtr 11 1B J. Lilley) LillpvipT7w (M r- shar le A. Blake 9li 9 10 AOTicV Mortill er) Bladonioii 8 BAI LLNVI-t i'l Mr lk Private IQ 11 UALUNVULLA (Capt.

W. McMullen) 1 1 9 nnr McMullen 10 11 7 Timvp A Simpson) A.Blake 9 6 dlia 18 Ihompson 910 10 ll LYCUR Tjs rl Vv Rrowne) nrowne 91 010 1 1 (Mr W. Reynolds) Johnson 710 A -PpnpW nr RE IEH 7 12 7 ch 8 by Jus (10 13) 4 ILu Wll (F beat Rocket luml 3 fin uin (2m) Oct. 24. Su ar (10-8, 5Td 0t TAIS TOl 1 EERRANB 7), be by ni (P MorriB) bent GOLD AMULET ro 2 en Worcester (2m) Nov, 5, KVtntrr I Jnnps 8 bad 3rd o( 5.

EBON KNIGHf (12-1, Bimell) pulled up. 0 GEGTIG IIOVEK (7-12 6). by Phnla ra Celtic Hose. See WILD LANCER and HYPERICUM 2 2 1 WILD LANCER (10 12 5), ch by Shinin Wink. With 114 (Wilson) beat 11-10) 6 lengths Utfoxeter (2m 40yds) Oct 28 Chriatoper (11-6) 4 lengths awav sfd.

CELTIC (11-15. Mr. .1. Cordon) 4th. THREE PATES ti Wright) sth, GUILDER (10 13.

Hayes) 7(h of 3 Hypericum. 01 U. See 0 0 4 HYPERICUM (6-12 1). by Uio-hK Green Goddess. With li-io (Parvin) 4 th rn 11 01 8 to Sugar COMFORT IN THE AIR A view of the spacious passenger saloon of the Frobisher, latest and fastest air liner.

TITLE FOR S. E. ORME Derbyshire Table Tennis Championships A large crowd at Matlock Town Hall on SaUuday night saw 8 E. Orme, of Littleover, win the Derbyshire singles championship for the second a A 1 "as the concluding night of Matlock Table Tennis Week. Orme narrowly escaped defeat in the semi-final, but was always on top alter the first game in the final.

other championship titles were decided during the nxemng, and tho prizes were presented by Councillor J. Hibbs, chairman of Matlock Urban Council. Results- Junior Championship of H. Slater (Derby) beat D. Sellers (Ashbourne), 21-17, 1-inal O.

H. Slater beat M. R. Tomlinson (Chesterfield), 15-21, 21-13, 25-25, 23-21. elerans co*cking (Chesterfield) beat A.

G. Hayward (Belper), 22 21. 21-12. 21-19. Ixical Singles.

R. Wherrelt (owe 8) beat E. Plaits (ser 21-10, 21-18, 21-17. Local A. and J.

Dakin (ree. 1) beat F. Ford and R. Cauldwell, 13-21, 21-15. 21-16.

16-21, sSI-10. Womens Championship of Parker (Ashbourne) beat Mrs. Hibbins (Totlev) 21-16 21-19. Doubles Championship ot K. and R.

E. Hindle (Buxton) beat J. Rob nson and A. Ollerenshaw (Buxton), 24-22, 21 19; Briggs and Swale (Chesterfield) beat Holmes and Woolgar (Chesterfield), 21 17. and Hindle beat Brings and Swale 21-16, 19-21, 21-13, 16-21.

21-13. Championship of 1. Cox (Deiby) beat S. Getlifle (Littleovor), 21-12, fT- 18 Urme (Derby) beat W. K.

(Chesterfield 15-21. 21 18, 22-20. Final-S. E. Orme beat E.


A. C. ADAMS. At a meeting of the Midlands and East Anglian Bowling Federation at Spalding on Saturday, Mr. R.

Stoddard, of Heanor, Derbyshire, was elected president in the place of Mr. A. C. Adams, of Bournemouth, who, on account of ill-health, relinquished the office, and was made a life president. With reference to the singles championship, wh.ch has in past years been played oft' on one day by eight players from each of the eight counties in tho federation, Mr.

T. Brown (Lincolnshire) pointed out that not only did they never receive a full number of entries, but, further, competitors in some cases were not the champion players of the particular county, and, his opinion, he thought that to find the real champion ol champions of the federation each County should send their two best players, namely, the winner and runner-up of each county singles championship, and it was that these two players should be the two to compete in the competition in question. The singles championships wae fixed to take place on August 19th at Lincoln; also that the triples championship should be played on the same date also at Lincoln. The team championship final was fixed for August 26th, the venue not being decided upon. It was decided that, the 18 players who were the winners of the final of the teams championship should be given a badge.

Derbyshire proposed that in future federation matches, both home and away, between Derbyshire and Durham and Northumberland should be on a green half way between the two, but this was ruled out of order as the federation rules provide that all county matches should be played on greens within the federation. A balance in the bank of £2l 10s. 3d. was reported. Mr.

W. A. Dawson secretary, and Mr. A 0. Jones treasurer, vere re elected.

WICKWAR BEATS DALY. LONDON LIGHTWEIGHT RETIRES WITH CUT EYE. George Dalj, the Blackfriars lightweight, was unlucky in his ficht with Len Wickwar, of Leicester, at the Ring, London, yesterday, having to retire at the end of the fifth round with a badly cut left eye. The exchanges up to that point had been hard and clever, with Wickwar showing great skill with his left. Daly seemed unable to find a method of overcoming left hooks, but now and again he retaliated with a right cross to the body.

There was little difference between the two men when, during a melee in the fifth round, Daly received the injury to his eye. Bob Scally, the Scottish heavyweight, knocked out Jack Morgan (Chesterfield) in the second round, while Stafford Barton, middleweight champion of Jamaica, knocked out ex-Seaman Lawlor (Lowestoft) in the fourth round. PEBCY SUCCESSOR. W. SHANKLAND APPOINTED TO TEMPLENEWSAM POST.

The selection committee chosen by Leeds Corporation to find a successor to Percy Alliss, golf professional at Ternplenewsam, one of the Loads municipal courses, have decided to appoint W. Shankiand, professional at Haydock Park. Shankland, who is 32, is an Australian. He gained five rugby international caps in the Rugby Union game before he went over to Rugby League He toured England as a member of the Australian team. The tVarrington Club brought him to England and he played for them as a three-quarter.

While in Australia Shankland took up golf and became apprenticed to the professional at the Royal Sydney Golf Course. In all competitions last year in the British Isles Shaukland finished seventeenth on average. On Saturday with three other professionals left in the short list for the appointment Junr. (Middleton Park), A. Day (Gotts Park) and L.

B. Ayton (South Shields) took part in a four-ball match over the Templenewsam course. The scores were: Shankland and Spence each 78, Day 79, and Ayton 80. Falling hair If your hair is falling in patches, receding at the temples, or thinning at the crown, it is a sign of the presence of one of the many hair and scalp diseases which, if not attended to in time, will bring about permanent baldness. Have your case scientifically diagnosed and correct treatment prescribed by consulting Mr.



Evening Post from Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England (2024)


What is the history of the Nottingham Evening Post? ›

History. The first edition of The Evening Post was printed by Thomas Forman on 1 May 1878. It sold for ½d and consisted of four pages. In July 1963, the Post's main competitor, the Nottingham Evening News, closed and merged with the Post.

What happened in Nottingham, England? ›

Police arrest 15 people at city centre protests

Hundreds of people gathered near the Brian Clough Statue on King Street as part of demonstrations organised by rival groups on Saturday. A wall of officers from Nottinghamshire Police separated the opposing sides during the protests.

Where is the Nottingham Post printed? ›

Nottingham Post and Derby Telegraph printed in Birmingham.

What industry is Nottingham famous for? ›

It is located 33 miles (53 km) south-east of Sheffield and 45 miles (72 km) north-east of Birmingham. Nottingham is the legendary home of Robin Hood and to the lace-making, bicycle and tobacco industries.

What is Nottingham famous story? ›

Robin Hood

No list would be complete without mentioning the most iconic historical figure to be associated with Nottingham – Robin Hood. “He robbed the rich to feed the poor.” The legend of this folklore hero has captivated people across the world.

What was Nottingham originally called? ›

Located in the East Midlands, Nottingham began life as a minor settlement in the 6th century known as Snottingham, the name later evolving to become the more familiar Nottingham.

What are two things Nottingham is famous for? ›

We've all heard of Robin Hood, but there is far more to Nottinghamshire than the legendary outlaw alone. Home to Ice Age art, design icons like Paul Smith and the Raleigh Chopper, and one of Europe's largest travelling fairs, there are some fascinating features and facts about the 'Queen of the Midlands'.

Who was the homeless killer in Nottingham? ›

Martin was said to want to seek out fame and notoriety. He openly boasted to others that his ambition was to become "Nottingham's first serial killer". On the night of 24 January 2005, Martin was with Ashley, Carr and another homeless woman, 25-year-old Ellen Frith, in a derelict flat in Marple Road in Nottingham.

What was life like for the poor in Nottingham? ›

The poorest people lived in back to back houses – 8,000 were recorded in 1844, around courtyards and alleyways, with no drainage or toilets and water from a well shared by many people, which was often a source of illness and disease. Many worked in the textile industry.

Who owns the Nottingham Evening Post? ›

Current Ownership

Currently, the Nottingham Post is owned by the company Reach PLC, a British newspaper, magazine and digital publisher. In 2012, Local World, which is owned by Reach PLC, obtained the newspaper's wonder Northcliffe Media from Daily Mail and General Trust.

Is Nottingham a post town? ›

The NG postcode area, also known as the Nottingham postcode area, is a group of 29 postcode districts in the East Midlands of England, within seven post towns.

What is Nottingham Live? ›

Every day we publish compelling local news and information in print, online and on your mobile which make us the most trusted media across the City and County. We champion our communities' aspirations and support local people to make a difference.

What foods is Nottingham famous for? ›

Nottinghamshire is home to a variety of artisan cheeses which are made using age-old methods and high quality milk from farms in the local area. Perhaps the most famous of all is Stilton, a deliciously tangy blue cheese and a favourite on many Christmas cheeseboards.

Is Nottingham a nice place to live? ›

After all, Nottingham is one of the best cities to live in the UK since it is 10% more affordable than London, which entices many people to move to the city. Nottingham being the 6th largest city in the UK and being relatively safe make it a great city to choose for studies and living!

What is the ethnic population of Nottingham? ›

Nottingham is a majority White city with a majority of 71.5%, the largest ethnicity of which is the White British at 65.4% however this majority has been in decline since post-war migration began to the UK. Asian British residents have risen from 5.1% in 1991 to 13.1% in 2011.

What is the brief history of Nottingham? ›

Nottingham was captured in 867 by Danish Vikings and later became one of the Five Burghs – or fortified towns – of The Danelaw, until recaptured by the Anglo-Saxons unded Edward the Eldar in 918. The first Bridge over the River Trent is thought to have been constructed around 920.

What is the history of the Nottingham Carnival? ›

The Nottingham Carnival has a very long history gong back to 1958 when a number of men and women who had immigrated to Nottingham from Caribbean island of St Kitts decided to promote their cultural identity by organising a small carnival event in an area of Nottingham called the Meadows.

What is the oldest post box in Nottingham? ›

The oldest pillar box in daily use in Nottingham is at Broadway in the Lace Market. It dates from 1879 and is an anonymous model. The box replaced an older box on the same site, mentioned in Wright's 1862 Directory and shown on the OS Map.

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.