Best Campfire Recipes (2024)

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Best Campfire Recipes (1)

Camping is fun but sometimes figuring out what to make when camping can be challenging. I’ve put together some of the best campfire recipes so you can stop stressing, just grab ingredients and eat like royalty when you are camping.

Nobody has to be stuck eating cold sandwiches and bags of chips. It’s not hard to cook yummy meals and snacks when you are camping. This is a round up post of campfire recipes. That means you can click each recipe and that takes you to the original creators site so you can print them out.

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Variety is the Spice of Life

Below you will find all sorts of recipes that you can make over a campfire while camping, or on your grill when at home. Backyard camping can be just as fun as taking off for a weekend away camping far from home.

Give some of these a try and leave a comment telling me what ones you think are the best campfire recipes.

Best Campfire Recipes (2)

Breakfast – Best Campfire Recipes

Instead of packing those boxes of cereal or sugar filled donuts, give one of these breakfast recipes a try. From bacon on a stick to breakfast pizza, one can’t go wrong with the variety of items to choose from here. Even some gluten free options.

Bacon on a Stick

Low Carb Breakfast Pizza

Campfire Breakfast Hash with chorizo

Gluten-Free Grilled French Toast

Gluten-Free Grilled French Toast Skewers

Vegan Chickpea Scramble

Looking for more campfire recipes? Check out our Foil Packet Grilling Recipes.

Best Campfire Recipes (3)

Lunch – Campfire Recipes

Usually lunch time means a quick sandwich and chips, or just kinda grazing on whatever one can find. Don’t let unhealthy eating or mindless eating happen. Check out these easy and fun recipes to make sure you fuel your body right.

Greek Yogurt Flatbread

Campfire Chili

Grilled Nachos Recipe

Campfire Pizza Sandwiches Recipe

Walking Taco (In a Bag)

Quick and Easy Philly Cheesesteak Sloppy Joes Recipe

Easy Vegan Chili

Campfire Pizza Bake Recipe

Some of these can be prepared in advance so all you need to do is pop them over the campfire. Others are easy ingredients you can throw together quick.

Best Campfire Recipes (4)

Dinner – Best Campfire Recipes

When the evening comes and all the fun of the day has been had it’s time for a hearty dinner. Many of these are options you can prep ahead of time and then throw together and cook.

Rosemary chicken fillets (pan fried

Campfire Stew

Juicy Pineapple Grilled Chicken Kabobs

Easy Tuscan Chicken Skillet

Grilled Chicken Tenders

Campfire Smoked Rotisserie Chicken

Lemon Dill Shrimp with Zucchini

Pan Seared Strip Steak

Cooking over a campfire is so much fun. You can do it at home or away from home when camping. If you like cast iron cooking check out our Cast Iron Cooking Recipes as well.

Best Campfire Recipes (5)

Side Dishes – Campfire Recipes

A meal isn’t complete unless it has a side dish, right? Veggies, breads, pasta, kabobs, or whatever it is you like for your side dish.

Buttermilk Cornbread

Dutch Oven Cooking: Zucchini Bread

Veggie Kabobs With Halloumi

Corn on the Cob over a Campfire

Shish Kabob Recipe

Damper Bread

Campfire Bread on a Stick Recipe

Campfire Spinach Dip

Final Thoughts on Campfire Recipes

While camping can be fun and hectic at the same time I hope these recipes help take some stress of the meal planning. No meal is complete unless you have dessert, so click here are some campfire dessert recipes to go along with your meals.

Enjoy and drop a comment to let me know what recipes you think look the best. If you’ve tried some, tell me what you thought.

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Best Campfire Recipes (9)Follow us


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Reader Interactions


  1. AJ says

    These all sound delicious! Can’t wait to try them out! Thanks for sharing!


  2. Marty Harris says

    Those pictures are making me hungry.


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Best Campfire Recipes (2024)


What type of campfire is best for cooking? ›

Teepee Fire (Good for cooking)

A basic fire used to begin other fires is the teepee fire. Lay the A-frame and the tinder. Then gradually add wood, setting the kindling and then larger logs on end in the form of a teepee. The high flames of this fire are good for one-pot cooking and when using a reflector oven.

What is the best meat for a fire pit? ›

Roasting over charcoal on your fire pit is great too, since you can cook some fatty meat cuts and they will stay naturally moist and tender after long cooking. Some of the most common foods to roast on the fire pit are brisket, lamb ribs or even a whole chicken.

What is traditional bonfire food? ›

Bonfire Night Food Traditions: Hot Dogs & Burgers

Hot dogs and burgers have become iconic staples of Bonfire Night celebrations, and for good reason. They're delicious and easy to eat gathered around a warm fire with loved ones.

What not to do with a campfire? ›

Having your campfire
  1. Never leave a campfire unattended.
  2. Only make as big a fire as you need. ...
  3. Don't use aerosols on the fire – they can explode and cause embers to catch trees and cause wildfires.
  4. Keep an eye on flying embers to make sure they don't cause other things to ignite.

What can you roast over a campfire besides marshmallows? ›

16 Surprising Recipes You Can Cook Over a Campfire
  • Campfire Pizza Cone. Who doesn't love pizza? ...
  • Bread on a Stick. Can you imagine how amazing this warm, freshly made bread would be on a campout? ...
  • Campfire Stew. ...
  • Chorizo Zucchini Chili. ...
  • Campfire Nachos. ...
  • Campfire Sliders. ...
  • Foil Packet Chicken Dinner. ...
  • Grilled Shrimp.

What is the best meat to grill on a campfire? ›

From prime rib roasts to tri-tip to hamburger patties, or perhaps you prefer a hunk of chuck, a rack of ribs, a mighty tomahawk, or a real thick-cut steak (New York strip, ribeye, or otherwise).

What is the best fuel for cooking in a fire pit? ›

We'd recommend using hardwoods, such as oak, ash and beech which are best for heat when cooking and will provide a long burn and flavour. If you're looking to add a little more flavour, Apple or Pear wood provides a fantastic flavour or why not try adding a little hickory at the end of cooking for a smokey taste.

Why does campfire food taste better? ›

Burning wood breaks down molecules called lignans, and these turn into smaller organic molecules – including syringol and guaiacol – that are mainly responsible for the quintessential smoky flavor.

What is the best pan to cook on a fire? ›

Cast iron is the best, imo, on an open fire, but there is the weight factor. You can also opt for a cast aluminum pan, which is lighter than cast iron but more expensive. Personally, I would not use any thin aluminum pan, and I never cook anything anywhere with teflon.

What food is good for a camp fire? ›

We've got classic dishes on the list, like franks and beans or corn grilled over an open fire, as well as smart ideas like foil-pack dinner or make-ahead pasta salad that'll keep well (and taste better after it's had time in the cooler).

What food should I bring for 3 days camping? ›

Example 3-day menu plan using these recipes
1Peanut butter oatmealHot dogs or veggie dogs
2Breakfast burrito in a bagCampfire nachos
3Homemade granola with oat milkGrain bowl
Sep 16, 2021

What is your favorite food to bring camping? ›

Best Lunches to Eat When Camping

Trail mix, granola or protein bars, apple slices, cubed cheese, salami and jerky are all lunch favorites. If I know I'm going to have a cooler with me, hummus is still on the menu, although I make my own hummus at at home now and pack it in a reusable container.

What food to bring to a campfire? ›

Get the recipe for Hot Dogs with Quick Cast-Iron Beans.
  • Chicken and Black Bean Nachos. ...
  • Orzo Pasta Salad. ...
  • S'mores Three Ways. ...
  • Campfire-Toasted Rice Krispies Treats. ...
  • Orange Marmalade Old-Fashioned Jam Jar co*cktail. ...
  • Grilled Pork Chops with Whole Pickled Peaches. ...
  • Blackberry Gimlet Jam Jar co*cktail.
Jul 28, 2024

What food to bring to a fire pit party? ›

Here are fun snacks for around the fire pit!
  • Trail Mix. There are countless delicious trail mix combinations just waiting for your tastebuds! ...
  • Chex Mix. ...
  • Granola Bars. ...
  • Roasted Chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans) ...
  • Nut Butter Protein Balls. ...
  • Rice Krispie Treats. ...
  • Charcuterie Board.
Aug 1, 2022

What food is best for wild camping? ›

Main Meals:
  • Tinned tuna or corned beef – Good source of protein and great for adding flavour to your meals. ...
  • Dried mashed potato mix – Just add water and you're good to go.
  • Pita bread or naan bread – Super versatile as they can be used for nearly any meal. ...
  • Hard cheese – You can't go wrong with a bit of cheese!
Oct 6, 2022

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Name: Eusebia Nader

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.